August 26th – Alex and Cristina – Diocese of San Jose, CA “It reminded me the importance of embracing God in your life and marriage”

Him: I learned a lot and it was better than I expected.

Her: We loved our instructors and really appreciated their detailed feedback. We both grew closer thanks to the assignments.

Both: We were able to look at various topics through a different lens which helped foster deep discussions that were very much needed.



August 27th – Ricardo and Arianna – Diocese of Fresno, CA “It really helped me better understand the bible and broke everything down, it was very helpful”

Him: It really made me think about the overall aspect of doing this sacrament of marriage. It opened my eyes and made me think deeper into how holy this sacrament is and what our responsibilities are as one individual partner and as a married couple. Made me learn about the responsibilities we have to our Lord, the church, to ourselves and to our future family together. It made us look into our own faults and how to fix that and support each other into becoming a better person and a better partner.

Her: It taught me a lot on the real meaning of the sacrament of marriage and about better ways of expressing ourselves. It showed me what are true purposes in this world are and what God expect of his children. It has helped me grow closer to my fiancé in our discussions when completing the assignments.

Both: It showed us how to compromise and hear what the other is saying and fully understanding their thoughts. We have also began praying together and helping each other grow closer to God. It has really shown us the true importance God and his church have in our marriage.


August 28th – Enoch and Holly – Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA “The course gave us methods and tools that we may not have otherwise used.”

Him: I am highly satisfied with the course. I believe that it provided us some very good tools to strengthen our relationship with each other, as well as with God. It was very flexible.

Her: I am extremely satisfied with the course. I think the course provided very comprehensive preparation that we would not have otherwise gotten had we chosen a different marriage prep option, such as a retreat. I appreciate that the focus of this course was on us learning together. We also enjoyed the flexibility to work at our own pace, allowing us to accommodate both of our busy schedules.

Both: The course was a great reminder about what things are really most important in life. It reinforced just how much God loves us and what a special gift the sacrament of marriage truly is.


August 29th – Neal and Megan – Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO “We learned a ton and have grown together throughout the process”

Him: This course was excellent, and really made us think hard into so many aspects of marriage - from faith, family, each other, finances, friends, etc. It offered so many beneficial exercises that will give us tools to grow our marriage for years to come.

Her: This course was awesome! The focus on God and faith and how they are at the center of everything in our lives is so important as we prepare for our marriage. We look forward to practicing all of the things we’ve learned and growing our faith in our marriage.

Both: The course really encouraged (and sometimes demanded) us to communicate better and share in depth through having to really reflect and sometimes navigate difficult topics and foresee challenges that come with married life. Through this, it allowed us to discuss these things in depth which will set the foundations of our marriage in the right way.


August 30th  – Luke and Alex – Archdiocese of Edmonton, Canada “This course definitely gave me comfort and also made me curious about various faith-related topics”

Him: This course was very eye opening for me. I never knew that marriage could be so sacred. i always hoped that it was but after completing this course I now understand what marriage between a man a woman is supposed to be like. Many of the questions that were asked in the course had so much insight and meaning and made me think about my life as a Catholic.

Her: I found the course to be very informative. It filled in a lot of information I’ve missed along the way as a Catholic. Learning about our faith together gave me and my fiancé a new way to bond and I really enjoyed watching him grow in his faith. My favorite part of the course was when we affirmed our commitment to helping one another get to heaven.

Both: The course helped us to get on the same page about the importance of faith in our marriage. It was nice to see we have similar points of view about important issues. We enjoyed discussing communication techniques.