Aug. 12th – Ahmed and Laura – Archdiocese of San Francisco, CA “This experience has allowed us to connect more deeply with our beliefs and better understand our own identities”

Him: Our instructors have exceeded our expectations in every way. Their feedback has been consistently insightful and helpful, addressing all our concerns promptly. Their quick responses and willingness to assist with any doubts have made a significant positive impact. Their support has been instrumental in our progress, and we deeply appreciate their dedication and efficiency.

Her: Our instructors have truly met our expectations by delivering exceptional support. Their feedback has been thorough and actionable, helping us make informed decisions. They respond swiftly to any queries we have, ensuring that we always feel supported and well-informed. Their dedication and promptness have greatly contributed to our success, and we are very grateful for their assistance.

Both: The process of the course helped us communicate better and share more deeply as a couple. Through the structured discussions and exercises, we gained valuable insights into each other’s perspectives, learned effective communication strategies, and started building a strong foundation for our marriage.


Aug. 13th – Efrain and Daisy – Diocese of Stockton, CA “I loved being able to work at our own pace”

Him: 'm extremely satisfied with the course. I enjoyed being able to go at our own pace, never feeling rushed. I really enjoyed to content as well. Going over subjects that we as a couple had not talked about before. Most importantly, the thorough answers we would receive from our instructors. I really enjoyed working with Tara and Dan.

Her: I am extremely satisfied with this course. I feel like we learned a lot of new information that will be very useful in our marriage and once we form our family. The questions also brought a lot of good conversations amongst the two of us. I truly enjoyed this course.

Both: The course allowed for conversation starters and allowed us to discuss things we hadn't discussed before like the use of contraception, what we thought of contraception, and if we want to use contraception. It helped us communicate better and understand our thoughts and feelings about various topics.


Aug. 14th – Corbin and Murphy – Diocese of Salt Lake City, UT “It was a great refresher and also opened our eyes to ways God can be (and is) present in our marriage and our life”

Him: I thought it was great. It’s wonderful to be civilly married but it’s great to add God to our marriage.

Her: Though we are already civilly married and have already encountered many of the marriage aspects discussed, this was a great way for us to begin the process of bringing Christ into our marriage and prepare to have a marriage before God.

Both: We were forced to discuss concepts and issues in ways we hadn’t necessarily previously approached them. Though we have years of civil marriage together, there are still so many ways we were able to build the foundation of our marriage by further incorporating God.


Aug. 15th – Mike and Melissa – Diocese of Montreal, Canada “I feel it really brought us closer together”

Him: I really enjoyed the whole process and the feedback / additional answered received by our instructors. It was a great way to connect further with each other, increase our knowledge and be prepared to celebrate our marriage.

Her: What a great experience!! This brought us closer to God and ourselves. We learned so much and we really feel prepared to take this next step with God by our side.

Both: We already are a couple that communicate a lot, but by getting closer to God, we feel we have shared such good conversations that have built the foundation of a successful marriage. We discussed points that are vital to a successful marriage and feel we are on the same page with life and God.


Aug. 16th – Fernando and Cristina – Archdiocese of San Francisco, CA “Our instructors provided us with thoughtful responses catered to us and our journey”

Him: The course with our instructors was very insightful. I thoroughly enjoyed the setup since we were able to provide thoughtful answers that really required a lot of thought from our end. In return, our instructors gave us very insightful feedback. Overall, we felt like this course gave us a good understanding of the challenges and joys we can expect from marriage.

Her: I enjoyed the ability to work on our coursework at a pace that worked for us and our schedules. Our instructors were thoughtful with their responses and guidance. They provided in depth detail, suggestions and insight in their responses that helped us understand the meaning behind the questions more at length. This also allowed us to take our time and really “dig” into the resources available to us in responding to our questions.

Both: We communicate more openly, understand that marriage will have its joys and challenges, and never forget to put our marriage first. Additionally, we set our expectations for marriage and openly communicate to each other.