Fr. Jacques Phillipe
Discover Fr. Jacques Philippe’s profound words on prayer, freedom, and God. His books will benefit anyone looking for spiritual guidance in the modern world.
With over one million copies sold in 24 languages, Jacques Philippe’s books have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality.

Church Documents
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Gaudium et Spes
Mulieris Dignitatem
Humanae Vitae
A collection of Church Document resources to be able to dig deeper into the Catholic Faith.

Theology of the Body
Love and Responsibility
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
Men and Women are from Eden
The Theology of the Body presents a magnificent vision of the human person. In these talks, John Paul II has given a catechesis which is centered on the human person, understood within the mystery of Christ.

Edward Sri
Bishop Fulton Sheen
Greg and Julie Alexander
Bernard Dubois
Brad Wilcox
A collection of books and resources to help support and grow in your Marriage/Faith journey.

Gary Chapman
Dr. Henry Cloud
Dr. John Townsend
John Grey
Julianna Slattery, Psy.D
A collection of books and resources to help support and grow your communications within your marriage.

Patrick Coffin
Kimberly Hahn
Catholic Church teachings and how they relate to natural family planning, contraception, infertility, abortion, sterilization, and miscarriage.

Dave Ramsey
George S. Clason
Ron Blue
A collection of books to help support and navigate your finances.

Raising Children
Dr. Thomas Gordon
Dr. Henry Cloud
Dr. John Townsend
A collection of books that address the many facets of raising children - tweens, teens, boundries, effectiveness, love & logic.