July 8th – William and Adriana – Archdiocese of Chicago, IL “The course has renewed by desire to be closer to God”

Him: The course made me feel like it gave us something out of the ordinary to look forward to.

Her: I did like the fact that were able to take the course at our own pace.

Both: We both attend church but the course has made us think about how we will let God in to our marriage.


July 9th – Kevin and Kimberly (Interfaith) – Diocese of San Diego, CA “We have learned a lot and our marriage will be much stronger because of it”

Him: This was a great course to learn about all aspects of marriage. It was great to consider many things that we have not had a chance to speak deeply about. It was also a great learning experience to understand the Catholic perspective on many important topics.

Her: As a non-Catholic / non-Christian, this course did teach me a lot about the views of the Church. It did ignite a curiosity in the Church that I will pursue at my own pace.

Both: We have a very healthy communication style in our relationship, but this course helped bring up topics that we do not normally discuss. It was great to bring these topics to the forefront and ensure that we had agreeable perspectives and solutions for the parts we did not originally agree upon.


July 10th – Anthony and Gina– Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY “Our instructors were able to expand our knowledge and open our eyes to new ideas as well as provided us with more information”

Him: I loved this course, the opportunity to get closer with my partner and with God was perfect.

Her: I thought this course was extremely eye-opening and very well thought out. We learned a lot about each other throughout this process, as well as learned a lot about how to keep God involved in our marriage. Our instructors were also extremely insightful and expanded our knowledge on different topics that we were not previously familiar with. The website was very easy to navigate, and the assignments touched upon each topic perfectly.

Both: We both felt closer to God, and expressed a desire with each other to go to church more often. We both want God to be a big part of our marriage, have that bond with Him in our relationship and pass that on to our children.


July 11th – Andy and Rachel – Diocese of Manchester, NH “The instructors went above and beyond my expectations”

Him: I thought the course was fantastic. I really appreciated the ability to tackle the assignments at our own pace, I learned a lot of new things about my faith, and we had some very productive conversations as a couple.

Her: I am very happy with this course. The feedback was relevant and timely. In addition, it was very convenient to be able to do it at home at our own pace. The content of the course led to very productive discussions.

Both: We both learned things about each other’s thoughts and feelings that we did not know previously. We’ve been dating for years so that felt like quite an accomplishment. The questions sparked helpful dialogues, and we both feel good about the foundation upon which we are going to build our marriage.


July 12th – James and Sterling – Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA “I appreciated most the individual responsiveness of our instructors”

Him: This course helped us adjust our priorities week to week and made us sit down and take the time to discuss teachings together, learn about each other, and grow in faith together.

Her: This course was great in helping us grow in our faith together. I enjoyed getting James' perspectives on different teachings and how this course helped guide us to create perspectives together. Our instructors were great teachers and their weekly explanations and worksheet corrections were helpful in fostering our knowledge throughout the course.

Both: This course picked the relevant passages for us to read and study while asking the right questions to guide our understandings of these readings and the Church's teachings. The his and her answers helped us to review each other's perspectives and then come together to foster our answers together.