June 24th – Jacob and Karlee – Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, PA “We both loved that we could do it on our own time at home”

Him: I appreciated the fact we could do this in our own home. We were able to discuss these topics in private instead of at a class with other people. I think this course definitely brought Karlee and I closer to each other and closer to God.

Her: I thought it was really insightful. I think it helped to open our eyes to a few things we hadn't considered and it really explained marriage as a sacrament.

Both: We knew communication was key to a healthy marriage, but seeing how things can be derailed it has encouraged us to communicate even more. We intend to have a lifelong love and bond and do not want something as easy as communication ruin that.


June 25th – Jorge and Lesley – Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA “I thought this was going to be a boring class that instructors say the same thing to everyone, but no I was very wrong”

Him: I really loved this course and how well our instructors went into detail in each question.

Her: This was an amazing online course; I will definitely recommend this to anyone who is getting married. instructors were very nice and very informative.

Both: This taught us to learn to forgive each other more and not get upset over the little things.


June 26th – Maxwell and Erin – Diocese of Madison, WI “This course challenged me to grow my relationship with God and provided insight how I can improve it”

Him: This course helped develop my relationship with my spouse and my personal relationship with God. The assignments challenged me to think on a deeper level about my spouse and my relationship with the Lord. There were several prompts that promoted difficult but positive dialogue between myself and my spouse. I have developed a deeper understanding of the sacrament of matrimony and I believe this course has overall strengthened our relationship with each other and God.

Her: I felt the course deepened my knowledge and understanding of Christ and marriage. It helped provide us with tools to strengthen our relationship through God and to approach marriage as God intended. There were many things that I did not know before taking this course and now, I feel much more prepared for the sacrament of matrimony. I think this course sets a strong foundation for us and, we have prayed and learned alongside each other, and will bring the things that we have learned about one another and our relationship with God to our marriage.

Both: We had begun having discussions about how to pray together as a couple before this course. The course reaffirmed our desire to do this and gave us guidance on how to do so. I think individually we reignited our desire to have a God-centered marriage and make plans for doing that. It strengthened our understanding of marriage and God's intentions for a husband and wife. We feel more prepared to serve one another and our family through this course.


June 27th – Robert and Cecy – Archdiocese of Edmonton, Canada “Our instructors took the time to understand our responses and provided feedback that helped us understand the topic better”

Him: This course was very immersive and beneficial as it helped us grow together into the faith. The personal interactions with our instructors along with the various external resources, made it more fun and interactive. It’s nice to see different perspectives from different sources to try and tie everything together to what our faith stands for.

Her: I appreciated the detailed responses from our instructors. The course content was organized well and helped me and my partner understand more easily. The content provided thought-provoking questions that enabled us to have deeper conversations.

Both: It has helped us stay open and communicative with each other. It helped us understand that any obstacle and setback along the way is part of Marriage, and that the importance of understanding and listening to each other is what helps us overcome those challenges.


June 28th – Name – Archdiocese of Atlanta, GA “The course was fantastic”

Him: This course has already done so much good between Emily and I. We will both be trying to implement all the things we learned through this course in our marriage. It brought up many conversations between Emily and I that definitely needed to happen. It taught us so much about each other in such a short time.

Her: I think that God knew I needed to sit down and go through this course because a lot of my questions were answered, I also believe that mine and TJ's relationship has flourished going through this. I've gotten to see how much Tj has grown in the family. The closer his relationship and our Lord is I feel like it ignites me to have a stronger relationship with God.

Both: For parish life, we plan to do more volunteering and attending Sunday school as well as putting our kids in VBS. We want to be more active in our parish as much as we can.