Sep. 25th – David and Anna – Diocese of Kamloops, BC “Made me think more of humility and my obedience to God”
Him: Coming from a protestant background; I found the course phenomenal and extremely informative. I initially thought that this course would be redundant having been married for 50 years prior to my wife passing away. However; I learnt a lot in terms of having God involved in our life and marriage.
Her: Having gone through 47 years of marriage I thought I knew what commitment and what marriage is all about. After taking this course, it helped me realize that God needs to be number One to make the marriage successful.
Both: Created more awareness of each other with God's participation in our activities.
Sep. 26th – Kevin and Sabrina – Diocese of Rockville Center, NY “I really appreciate the ability to do it at our own pace”
Him: I found all the assignments provided great teachings and tools for our marriage. We loved being able to talk through questions together. We love to talk together and were able to agree on every question.
Her: These assignments were really helpful. I really loved the assignment on intimacy and the assignment on the sacrament of marriage. Most of all I especially loved the last assignment. I felt it really showed us how to be a united front.
Both: We loved the different conversations it brought up. We love to talk about everything together. If we are not together, we call each other on the phone multiple times a day. This course allowed us to have even more conversations, especially deep conversations about God. We are actually going to keep our answers and reflect on them over time to continue learning more.
Sep. 27th – Philip and Rachel – Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, KS “It exceeded my expectations on how thorough and comprehensive the content was!”
Him: I found the course very insightful - it required Rachel and I to be highly introspective and reflect on our relationship, our faith, and our goals together. I felt that we continued to learn about one another while going through this process (all the while falling more in love!), and it was a valuable experience. We were able to solidify some of our beliefs through ongoing discussion.
Her: I really loved how the course challenged us to talk through situations that may come up in our marriage ahead of time. We both felt like we learned more about each other in a really positive way. We also loved how thorough the responses were. I really appreciated the prayers included in the responses to help work through challenging information. Also, the course structure was really helpful for us as we were able to dedicate different blocks of time that worked with our schedule.
Both: This course required us to discuss our past as well as where we want things to go in the future. We were able to surface and talk through our deep-rooted fears and concerns as well as outline expectations going forward. We are excited to continue deep daily communication with one another!
Sep. 28th – Carlo and Kimberly– Diocese of Rockville Center, NY “The course provided amazing outlooks and insight on our relationship and our future marriage”
Him: I really enjoyed the course! It opened my eyes to a lot of things. I am excited to start a journey into a marriage and take all of the lessons we learned and incorporate them into marriage.
Her: I felt that course was a great way to start a marriage! It allowed us to discuss how we want to incorporate our faith and God into our marriage. It also instilled many values and provided with great open communications about our goals and expectations going into a marriage.
Both: We were able to discuss, more in-depth, our understanding of each other’s needs. We were able to learn more about ourselves and how we can be better for the other person, without risking our own happiness.
Sep. 29th – Marlon and Lilliana – Diocese of Orange, CA “I really value the very detailed ways in which this course specified how we can get closer to God both as individuals and as a married couple”
Him: I am extremely satisfied with the course, not only were our instructors knowledgeable but they went above and beyond to explain everything with much detail. They allowed me to see things from different lenses and opened my mind to different ideas I didn't see before. I appreciate them for that. I also liked the course because it allowed us to do our classes at our own pace, we set our own schedule up and this allowed us to start/finish when we needed.
Her: I am so happy with this program and having the opportunity to work with our instructors. They were incredible teachers and did such a fantastic job guiding us through the journey of what to expect in marriage. The advice they gave us was so relatable and I really appreciate those personal stories they also shared that allowed us to connect to them on a special level.
Both: We have nothing but great things to say about this program, we will say that we’re going to highly recommend it to anyone who is walking the same path as we are.