Feb. 13th – Anonymous – Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA “It helped us recognize each other’s strengths and things we need to work on”
Him: It revived my desire to get closer to God and His church. The knowledge and wisdom that our instructors shared with us helped answer questions I had about our faith.
Her: I loved this class because it showed me the deeper meaning of what it means to be married. I made me appreciate the man I am marrying, that much more.
Both: The information has been abundant and very detailed. Our instructors have been amazing with their responses to our answers and helping us to have a much deeper understanding of not only the sacrament, but our faith!
Feb. 14th – Kyle and Angela – Diocese of Allentown, PA “We’ve really enjoyed learning about the Church's teachings about marriage as well as learning about ourselves throughout this process”
Him: I thought the class was really well put together. It really offered thought-provoking questions while educating us on the things we can expect and should be mindful about as it pertains to marriage and being there for one another.
Her: I think this marriage prep course is very helpful to any couple striving to get married in learning more about their relationship and growing in faith together.
Both: We have learned more deeply about the Catholic Church's teachings as well as ourselves, our relationship, and future plans as a married couple and our family together.
Feb. 15th – Chris and Kimber – Diocese of Phoenix, AZ “We are so much happier now that we are focused on seeing God at the center of our marriage”
Him: I expected to get a lot out of the course, but I was blown away by how much deeper my wife and I were able to go with some of our conversations. I feel so much more prepared.
Her: I thought that it was well organized and clarified the church's teachings about marriage. My husband and I had incredible discussions that brought us closer together and made it even more clear that we are exactly where God wants us. We had a great couple team who gave us tons of good feedback and did so very quickly.
Both: We are trying out a lot of the tools we read about. And, we are putting our conflicts into a different perspective.
Feb. 16th – Andrew and Alyssa – Diocese of Charlotte, NC “I really appreciated the in-depth explanations, instructor feedback, and discussion questions”
Him: The class was wonderful and set the foundation for a successful Christ-centered marriage.
Her: I feel that we got more out of it than an in-person class because we were able to absorb the material and have conversations at our own pace.
Both: The thoughtful insight provided by our mentor couple really helped us to have deep and productive conversations exploring the topics presented.
Feb. 17th – Justin and Sydni – Diocese of Birmingham, AL “This course reminded me of how much God loves us”
Him: I loved that we were assigned a married couple to guide us along the way. And I also loved the way the course was set up. It allowed us to work separately and then talk deeply about what we had read in order to answer together.
Her: This course left a lasting impression on me because it struck great Godly conversations up between my fiancé and I. Without this course, some things may not have been talked about, and it was so good to feel God's presence throughout.
Both: This course struck up very deep conversations that strengthened us as a couple and our relationship with God. It forced us to talk about things we may not have talked about before and gave us good tips for creating a healthy Christ-like marriage and family.